Building Highly Effective Teams


Building Highly Effective Teams

Build a motivational environment for you and your group to thrive in and become unified as a team to bring impressive results.

16 hours hours

About This Program

Building, developing, and aligning teams to reach targets and overcome challenges is one of the core responsibilities of leadership. Learning to develop and unify your team effectively is essential to achieving your team's goals and objectives.

Ineffective teams have difficulty facing simple challenges and spend much excess energy dealing with internal problems. Learn to take charge of your team's effectiveness with a series of simple yet proven tools designed to get your team engaged, committed, and focused on accomplishing their goals.

What This Program Covers

Significant results and success come from great teams, not from great individuals. Teams with a shared vision and goals are more passionate about their work and more likely to go the extra mile for the team's collective success. They have an "I will do it for the team" and "We will do it together" attitude. Teams whose motto is "togetherness," nurturing a fun, empowered, and innovative team culture.

This program is based on Patrick Lencioni's theory "Five Dysfunctions of a Team" and Agile and Servant Leadership principles, which offer a practical framework for orchestrating effective teams. The program guides participants through the five dysfunctions of a team and the solutions to overcome each of them. For example, you will learn how to build vulnerability-based trust within your team, how to create productive conflict, how to inspire commitment to your team's goals, and how to enable peer accountability so your team will come to focus on achievements.

The course is highly effective as in-house corporate training for team leaders and existing or newly formed teams. We designed the workshop to combine theory and practice, guiding participants to overcome dysfunctions while becoming stronger and more engaged as a team.

During the workshop, the participants will work as a team on establishing vulnerability-based trust, creating a team Conflict Map, developing their team's Principals Map, and articulating their team vision, goals, and planning. Participants will learn to build vulnerability-based trust within their teams, create productive conflict, inspire commitment to team goals, and enable peer accountability to focus on achievements over limiting disagreements and discontent. The team will continue building rapport and trust between each other, sharing and evaluating their progress, and proposing even more efficient ways of working.

What You'll Learn

  • Goal Setting: Learn to create SMART and meaningful goals.
  • Conflict: Learn tools and strategies to master difficult conversations.
  • Feedback: Understand how to deliver and accept outcome-focused feedback efficiently.
  • Team Engagement: Learn how to consistently engage and motivate your team.
  • Collaboration: Learn how to collaborate with other leaders.
  • Self-awareness: Noticeably increase your self-awareness as a leader.
  • Team Bonding: Build meaningful bonds with your team.

Who is this Progam For

This program is specifically designed for teams looking for more effective and aligned ways to collaborate. We deliver the program as a coaching and training program for existing teams. "Orchestrating Unified Teams" is also an excellent program to start with the executive team and then have the members cascade the methodologies down through the rest of the organization.

Ready to get started?

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