
Advisory Services

Advice is just a word used by many. We become part of you. We view your goals as our goals and your challenges as our job. So, to cut the long story short, what’s in it for you? You get optimized flows, processes, and models, and this way you grow your organization. All that because we will first understand your needs, your challenges and your objectives.

Let's Talk
A male and female executive reviewing a wall of sticky notes

People Operations


Whether you have a traditional hierarchy or a modern flat organizational structure, all organizations need a seniority mapping linked with compensation and rewards. "Because you need your company to be organized in a modern and fair way."

That's why we:

  1. Map the roles
  2. Build a seniority model;
  3. Set the salary benchmarks;
  4. Create compensation packages;
  5. 5. Build reward models.

You now have a new compensation plan and seniority mapping built in your organization through our experience and expertise.


We have found that performance reviews have little impact on employees' performance and development. Unfortunately, it's often perceived as a boring ritual worth little value. Usually, this happens because performance metrics are not relevant for employee development, and there is very poor monitoring and review throughout the year. "Because most employees don’t enjoy the current methods."

That's why we:

  1. Design new performance and review models;
  2. Find the appropriate tools for your needs;
  3. Identify metrics for development;
  4. Offer best practices for performance checks;
  5. Build a continuous feedback culture.

That’s how your organization will enter a new feedback era, where typical performance reviews won’t be necessary.


Because most employees don’t enjoy the current methods.

That's why we:

  1. Map skills per role;
  2. Map the company’s cultural skills;
  3. Combine the above into a skills map.

With these steps you will have a highly focused and managed skill-set pool among your employees.

People Development


Because many companies value their employees’s training but don’t know the best learning path for every individual.

That's why we:

  1. Build the learning paths based on the roles and business expectation;
  2. Create learning paths that increase engagement;
  3. Break down silos to increase internal mobility.

This way, you ensure that each and every one of your employees get tailor made training.


Because of how quick technologies advance and change. It’s difficult for companies to educate every member of the staff on how to operate.

That's why we:

  1. Create an internal coaching model based on your needs;
  2. Build a natural structure to define the coach and the coachee;
  3. Train the coaches;
  4. Inspire and create and internal coaching culture.

That’s how you and your company will leverage shared knowledge between your people.



Companies often find that their values are only reflected on paper and are very different from the organization's everyday work life. Companies that grow or change rapidly or ignore the culture find that they need a recalibration to bring the culture back on track and purposeful.

That's why we:

  1. Recalibration of the mission, vision, and values of the company to set a new baseline;
  2. Define the values definitions matrix to identify what each value means for the organization;
  3. Create a values skillset map;
  4. Create meaningful personas (Leader, Employee, and the like) to serve as a reference and reminder;
  5. Map out the final wholistic Cultural Blueprint.
