
We are Leadetic

In today’s world knowledge is king. An ever evolving, invaluable aspect, that can change the leadership game.

Enter Leadetic. Helping leaders excel in this kinetic world. We are expert facilitators and advisors for leadership development and we are here to help you traverse and conquer this new era.

A blurred image a man making a presentation to a team

First of all we are a team

We are humans and we love humans. Because we have great potential and we thrive through knowledge. What we love even more is giving organizations the resources they need to keep learning, growing, and evolving. We are 4 people and we share 3 common beliefs:

  • Connect Your team's progress is key. That's why we link you with tools that lead you to the right destination. }
  • Inspire Inspiration leads to possibility. And that is where you'll find your true potential.
  • Diversify Divide and conquer. By diversifying our resources we give you access to different perspectives, insights, and skills.

Nora Gikopoulou

Leadership Development Facilitator and Coach

Alex Nikolopoulos

Leadership Development Facilitator and Coach

Konstantinos Charantiniotis

Wellbeing & Mindfulness Advisor and Coach

Andrea Kohalmi-Summers

Communications Coach & Leadership Advisor

The values that drive us


All our efforts are always put into achieving outstanding results for our clients and our peers.


We inspire, motivate, and create clear paths to success. That’s how we lead by example.


We are here to help every leader grow and become the best possible version of themselves.


We treat everyone with respect because we only want to engage in productive, win-win collaborations.


We take complex situations and turn them into simple steps for achieving your goals.


A growth mindset is the driving force but curiosity is the vehicle when shifting a problem into a solution.
